Zoom In On the Issues: Supporting Local Business

Local businesses are the heartbeat of our economy. But be it the ever-changing health orders, staff becoming infected with the virus, issues with their supply chain, or something else, COVID-19 has hit our beloved local businesses hard, and the end is not in sight. It is critical that the City be an ally to our small business community, not just right now, but into the future. With the topic front-of-mind for everyone, this is the perfect time to assess how the City has, is, and could work to support local businesses.

Please join us for a listening and brainstorming session with a group of local business owners. We will discuss how the City has traditionally worked with small businesses, how it is currently working with them to survive COVID, and how going forward the City can be a stronger ally for local businesses. Brian will be joined by a great cast of local business leaders to explore the breadth of challenges being faced right now and brainstorm ways that the City and the business community can work together to make it through – and hopefully be better for this hard time.

We hope you all can attend; see you soon!

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