Let Petaluma know why you support Brian.
Local Elected Leaders
Kevin McDonnell, Mayor of Petaluma
Dennis Pocekay, Petaluma City Council
Teresa Barrett, Mayor of Petaluma (ret)
David Glass, Mayor of Petaluma (ret)
Pamela Torliatt, Mayor of Petaluma (ret)
Matt Maguire, Petaluma City Council (ret)
Joanna Paun, Petaluma City Schools Board Trustee
Mady Cloud, Petaluma City Schools Board Trustee
Sheden Gen, Petaluma City Schools Board Trustee
Ellen Webster, Petaluma City Schools Board Trustee
Kristine Weeks, Waugh City Schools Board Trustee
Elected Leaders from Neighboring Jurisdictions
Susan Gorin, 1st District Sonoma County Supervisor
Lynda Hopkins, 5th District Sonoma County Supervisor
Jackie Elward, Rohnert Park City Council
Gerard Giudice, Rohnert Park City Council
Chris Rogers, Santa Rosa City Council & Candidate for State Assembly
Debora Fudge, Town Councilmember, Town of Windsor
Ben Ford, Cotati City Council
Ariel Kelley, Healdsburg City Council
Patricia Farrar-Rivas, Vice-Mayor City of Sonoma
Stephen Zollman, City of Sebastopol Vice Mayor
Zach Hilton, Council Member, Gilroy City Council
Petaluma Firefighters Local 1415
Petaluma Federation of Teachers Local 1881
North Bay Building Trades Council
Teamsters Local 665
Carpenters Local 751
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 551
Sprinkler Fitters Local 483
Operating Engineers Local 3
Plumbers UA Local 38
Environmental Groups
Sonoma County Conservation Action
Sierra Club
Coalition for Better Sonoma County
Nonprofit Leaders
Elece Hempel
Natasha Julianna
Deb Fox
John Crowley
Elizabeth Howland
Trathen Heckman
Wendy Jacobs
Seair Lorenz
Nichole Warwick
Dave Alden, Chair, Petaluma Urban Chat
Bruce Hagen, Co-founder, Safe Streets Petaluma
Lisamarie Eldredge, Cool Petaluma
Eric Vazquez-Izaguirre, President of Wine Country Young Democrats
Shalom Bochner, Petaluma Interfaith Community Group
Small Business Owners
Aaron Daly, President, Avida Energy
Aaron Prentice, Owner of Petaluma Motor Wheel E-bikes
Ann Edminster, Owner/principal, Design AVEnues LLC
Bryce Nahas, Owner/Technician @ Nahas Energy Consulting
Christopher Lynch, MAD Architecture
Kristen Tamayo, Realtor, Compass
Larry Waters, Electrify My Home
Mary Dooley, MAD Architecture
Naomi Crawford, Owner, Lunchette
Nathan Spindel, Small Business Owner
Nicholas Hess, Owner-Leghorn Wines
Pete Gang, Architect, Common Sense Design
Rick Faeth, Owner, Petaluma Speedway
Sean Payne, LivExplore Realty
Steven Cozza, Compass
Tim Welch, Owner - Young and Yonder Distillery
Community Members
Abbey Levine
Abigail Smyth
Andy Eber
Anna Gunhiem
Barry Bussewitz, Board Member, Petaluma Urban Chat
Ben Peters, Chairman of the Petaluma Climate Action Commission
Bernie Album
Bill Fishman
Blake Hooper, Planning Commission, Candidate for Petaluma City Council District 5
Brent Newel, Planning Commission
Carolyn Brand, Rainier Neighbors
Carter Kelly-Cusimano, Community Member & Future President of the United States
Cristie Dolcini
Dan Lyke
Danny Geary, Rainier Neighbors
Danny Fitzgerald
Dabid Bond
David Pedersen
Diana Barnacle
Dr. Leslie Crane
Eli Slaydon
Ellen Fitzgerald
Elizabeth Durney
Eric Leland
Frank Quint, Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee, Transit Advisory Committee, Candidate for Petaluma City Council District 4
Fred Abercrombie
Gail Steiner
Gary Arnstein
Gretchen Barnacle
Heidi Rhymes, Planning Commission (ret)
Janie Castles, Retired Professor
Jennifer Laporte
Jerry Thompson
Jessica Moses, Planning Commission Chair
Jim Barnacle
Jim Dombroski, Environmental Attorney
Jody Johnson, Petaluma Resident, Youngstown Mobile Home Park
Jon Bonanno
Joshua Simons, General Plan Advisory Committee, Library Advisory Board
Justin Skelton
Kathryn Shedrick
Keith Benson
Ketura “Kat” Prescott
Kris Rebillot
Lani Mednick
Leland Fishman, Measure U Oversight Committee, Petaluma Resident
Leslie Alden, Executive Director, Act Now Bay Area*
Lizzie Wallack, Sr. Director of Planning & Community Investment, Eames Institute
Mackenzie Wieser, CEO Sacramento Splash
Maggie Dezendorf, Elementary Teacher, Old Adobe Union School District
Maggie Hohle, The Floathouse Petaluma
Marja Windsor Tarr, Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee
Matt Sharkey
Maxene Spellman
Melanie Bledsoe, Petaluma Resident, Youngstown Mobile Home Park
Megan Kelly, Music Parks and Recreation Commission
Mike Simpson, Community member, Cool Block co-leader and former Principal of Petaluma HS
Mike Webb
McKenna Hogya
Neal Fishman, Sonoma County Conservation Action
Ned Orrett, Resident of Planet Earth
Nickola Frye, Planning Commission, Senior Advisory Committee, Board - Rebuilding Together Petaluma
Nicole Camarda, Teacher, Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee (ret)
Olivia Hogya
Panama Bartholomy
Patricia Vollmer
Ramon Tomayo
Rick Brown
Rosemary Hart, Petaluma Woman’s Club
Scott Fishman, Measure U Oversight Committee
Sean Paul Loenz
Shawn Hogya
Sheila Baker
Sheri Cardo, Longtime Petaluma Advocate
Stacy Earl, Music Parks and Recreation Commission
Stephanie Sanchez, Professor Artist
Susan Oaks
Teddy Herzog
Teri Shore, Environmentalist
Tim Porteus, Petaluma Resident, Youngstown Mobile Home Park
Tom Issacc
Warren Watkins
Winston Friedman